Friday, December 2, 2011

School Uniforms

Assertion- I think school uniforms are good for us.

  • "One of the advantages of wearing school unforms is that there is no need to figure out what children are going to wear everyday."
    • Commentary 1: For example, I am always late for school because in the mornings I go through so many outfits before I can decide on what I want to wear that day.
    • Commentary 2: I think it is easier for the children if they know exactly what they are going to be wearing the next day instead of having to take more time in the mornings deciding.
  • "Many times, kids are ridiculed because of the clothes they wear and it seems that no matter how hard parents try, kids know who is more poor in school."
    • Commentary 1: Last year, some people I know would look at this one girl if she ever walked past us and they would comment about how she dresses.
    • Commentary 2: I feel if we have school uniforms, we would all pretty much look alike in the way we dressed. Most people's feelings would not get hurt about how they dressed.
Opposing Claim:
  •  Bobbi Vickers argues that "having school uniforms takes away peoples rights to express themselves."
My Rebuttal:
  • Though I agree that the way people dress does express peoples personality, I still think uniforms are good because then some kids will not get tesased the way they do.
My Paragraph
School uniforms are good for us. "One of the advantages of wearing school uniforms is that there is no need to figure out what children are going to wear everyday." For example, I am always late for school because in the mornings I go through so many outfits before I can finally decide on what I want to wear that day. It would be easier for the children if they know exactly what they are going to be wearing the next day instead of having to use up more of their time in the mornings deciding on which pair of pants and shirt look best. Another reason to why I think we should have school uniforms is, "Many times, kids are ridiculed because of the clothes they wear and it seems that no matter how hard parents try, kids know who is more poor in school." Last year, some people I know would look at this one girl if she ever walked past us and they would comment about how she dresses. To me, I feel if we had school uniforms, we would all pretty much look alike in the way we dressed. Most people's feelings would not get hurt about how they dressed. Thus, our school should consider having uniforms.

My Thinking: This paragraph is deductive because of the facts.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wounded Warrior Project

Our society needs people to make charitable contributions.
The cost of providing medical treatment to wounded warriors is expensive. Wounded warriors suffer from a wide variety of problems ranging from loss of limb or eyesight to mental problems.
Many wounded warriors have lost the ability to earn a good living when they go back into civilian life. Can you imagine trying to work on computers without eyesight, or the difficulty the firefighter would have if he only had one leg?
Our charitable dollars help these wounded warriors. It takes a lot of money to teach a blind person how to read brail or a person who has lost a leg how to walk using an artificial limb. And then they have to be retrained into new job skills so they can earn a living.
When we as Americans send our young men and women into battle, we should do so with the understanding that when they come home we have a responsibility to help them in whatever way is necessary so they can live normal productive lives.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

War is...

War is scary, watching people get hurt.
War is costly, spending money.
War is destructive, destroying peoples lives.
War is thinky, knowing what to do.
War is sad, dying people.
War is painful, hurting others.
War is bloody, bleeding everywhere.
War is loud, bombing everywhere.
War is red, painting with blood.
War is dangerous, risking lives.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Remembering 911

When 911 happened, I was super little and I didn't really know of anything that was happening that day. Alot of people lost their loved ones and the things that meant something special to them. When my daddy died, it felt like the world was crashing down around me. Now, I understand how the people that lost their family feel.