Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Creating Life

If I was given the power to create life like Frankestein did, I would choose not to create life. The following are the reasons I would not creat life.

One of the reasons I would choose not to create life is because God created human life in his image. I believe God and God alone is the only one that has the authority and the power to create life. In Genesis, chapter two, verse seven says, "and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul."

The other reason is, I would not want the responsibility of creating an imperfect thing that might do harm. I do not believe in taking chances in areas that are unknown to man and clearly reserved for God. Some people might think that it is okay to take chances, hoping the results would be good. I prefer not to take chances when I am dealing with the unknown.

In conclusion, I believe that there are certain things that are reserved for God and mankind would be better off if we learned to respect and leave alone those areas of our lives that God controls.